Conversation 17-1 Dialogue 1: お休みの予定
Vacation Plans

Koji is talking with Lisa about his plan to go to Disney Sea. Koji's girlfriend, Hiroko, wants to invite Lisa to go with them.


K: リサさん、今度のお休み、何か予定ある?
L: べつにないけど、どうして?
K: ディズニーシーのわりびきけんを3まいもらったから、ひろこさんと行こうと思ってるんだけど、いっしょに行かない?
L: いいの?
K: うん、ひろこさんが「リサさんもさそって」って言ってたから。
L: じゃあ、私も行ってみたい。
K: よかった。


key voc
1. べつに 別に (not) particularly [followed by a negative: べつに ~ない "not particularly"]
2. わりびきけん 割引券 coupon
3. いこう 行こう [volitional form of 行く] (I'm) going; Let's go!
4. さそって 誘って (u) さそう: to invite
5. いってみたい 行ってみたい I want to go (and see what it's like)
K: Do you have any plan for next vacation, Lisa?
L: Not particularly. Why?
K: I got three coupons for Disney Sea, so I'm thinking of going [there] with Hiroko, but would you like to go together?
L: Is it alright?
K: Sure, because Hiroko was saying "Invite Lisa, too".
L: Then, I would like to go and see, too!
K: Great!