Conversation 20-1 Dialogue 1: レンジの()()して
Please turn off the cooking stove.

Mrs. Tanaka left her home in a hurry because she was late for her part-time job. She is now calling her daughter at home by cell phone.


boil water
A: ゆかちゃん、あのね。キッチンに行ってみて。レンジの()()えてるかな?
B: うううん、まだついてるよ。おゆもわいてる。
A: ああ、やっぱり。()しておいてくれる?
B: うん、わかった。
A: すいはんきは?
B: ついてないよ。
A: じゃ、それはつけておいて。


key voc
1. レンジ   cooking range
2. fire
3. きえる 消える (Something) goes off; to disappear
4. つく   (Something) comes on; to be turned on; to become attached/connected
5. おゆ お湯 hot water
6. わく   (Something) comes to a boil
7. やっぱり   just as I thought
8. けす 消す to turn off (something); to erase
9. すいはんき 炊飯器 rice cooker
10. つける   to turn on (something)
A: Yuka, listen, go to the kitchen, would you? I wonder if the the cooking range is turned off.
B: No, it's still on. The water is boiling, too.
A: Oh, just as I thought. Will you turn it off?
B: Sure, I got it.
A: How about the rice cooker?
B: That's turned off.
A: Well then, turn that one on please.