1. Verbs
2. Nouns
3. Others
vocabulary Vocabulary Summary 22 Open in separate window
Words in square brackets are not used in vocabulary tests, and their meanings will be provided in classroom activities. However, you will need to study them for other quizzes and exams. Words in appear in the dialogues.
1  Verbs: () = verb, () = verb, (irreg) = irregular verb  


  () [extra-modest form of ~ている; Usually used in the polite form: ~ております]
  () [extra-modest form of Nです/-Adjです; Usually used in the polite form: ~でございます]
かえす 返す () to return (something) (~を)



() to come/go [extra-modest form of いく and くる; Usually used in the polite form] (~へ・に)
まがる 曲がる () to turn (right or left) (~を~みぎ (ひだり) に・へまがる) [かどをみぎにまがる]
() to say [extra-modest form of いう; Usually used in the polite form]
よぶ 呼ぶ () to summon (someone); to call (someone) (~を)
いただく 頂く () to eat; to drink [extra-modest form of たべる and のむ; Usually used in the polite form] (~を)
いただく 頂く () to receive (a gift) [extra-modest form of もらう; Usually used in the polite form] (~を)
うかがう   () to humbly visit; to humbly ask [humble form of いく・くる and きく] (~に)
ぞんじております 存じております (sp) to know [humble form of 知っている]
ぞんじません 存じません (sp) not know [humble form of 知らない]
ぞんじあげています 存じ上げています (sp) to know [humble form of 知っている]
  () (a person) is in …; stays at … [extra-modest form of いる; Usually used in the polite form]
くださる 下さる () to give (something) to me/us [honorific form of くれる] (~を)
  () there is [extra-modest form of ある; Usually used in the polite form]
もどる 戻る () to return; to go/come back (~に)
() to do [extra-modest form of する; Usually used in the polite form] (~を)
( こうかんいたします)
交換いたす () to exchange (XY) [humble form of こうかんする; Usually used in the polite form]
こうかんする 交換する (irreg) to exchange (XY)
またせる   () to keep (someone) waiting (~を)
きこえる 聞こえる () to be audible [Do NOT confuse きこえる with きける.  The latter is the potential of the willful action きく.] (~が)
さしあげる 差し上げる () to give (something) to (an out-group member or senior member of one's group) [humble form of あげる] (~を)
つたえる 伝える () to convey (message)
みえる 見える () to be visible [Do NOT confuse みえる with みられる.  The latter is the potential of the willful action みる.] (~が)
はいけんする 拝見する (irreg) [humble form of みる; Usually used in the polite form] (~を)
へんぴんする 返品する (irreg) to return (merchandise) for a refund (~を)


2  Nouns  


アニメ   anime; animation
おと sound; noise
かかりのもの 係の者 a person in charge [extra-modest form]
かど corner
ゲームソフト   video game (software)
こちら   this one [polite]
このへん この辺 around here [へん indicates an approximate area and is always preceded by a prenominal or modifier.  e.g. あのへん (around over there; around the area we both know), スタジアムのへん (around the stadium)]
しんごう 信号  traffic light
しんぴん 新品 a new one
せんぱい 先輩  senior member of the group
つぎ next
ヘッドホン   headphone
みぎがわ 右側 the right-hand side
レシート   receipt [レシート Usually refers to a receipt which comes out of the cash register machine.  Hand-written receipts on pre-printed forms, which are used for more formal purposes, are called りょうしゅうしょ.]
イヤホン   earphone(s)
こうはい 後輩 junior member of the group [Unlike せんぱい, こうはい cannot be attached to a junior member's name to refer to that person.]
しゅみ 趣味 hobby
しょうせつ 小説 novel
つきあたり   the end of the road


3  Others  


しょうしょう 少々 (adv) a few moments; a little [polite]
かしこまりました   (phr) Certainly. [polite]
できれば   (phr) if possible
まことに 誠に (phr) really [very polite]
もうしわけありません 申し訳ありません (phr) You have my apologies. [polite] (Lit. "I have no excuse.")
よろしかったら   (phr) if it’s okay (the other person’s judgment) [polite]
ほしょうきかんない 保証期間内 (phr) within a warranty period
これでいい   (phr) This is all right. This will do.
たべやすい 食べやすい () easy to eat
よろしい   () all right [the other person’s judgment] [polite]
おもい 重い () heavy (weight); serious (illness)
かるい 軽い () light (weight)
~にくい   () difficult to ... [~にくい are adjective-forming suffixes attached to the stem of a verb.]
~やすい   () easy to... [~やすい are adjective-forming suffixes attached to the stem of a verb.]
まっすぐ   () straight
~がわ ~側 (suf) [~がわ is a suffix attached to such words as みぎ, ひだり, and むこう to indicate which side of the object the speaker is referring to.]
~せんぱい ~先輩 (suf) [often attached to a senior member’s last name by a junior member]
これから   (phr) from now on
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