1. Nouns
2. Verbs
3. Adjectives
4. Others
vocabulary Vocabulary Summary 16 Open in separate window
Words in square brackets are not used in vocabulary tests, and their meanings will be provided in classroom activities. However, you will need to study them for other quizzes and exams. Words in appear in the dialogues.
1  Nouns (VQ16-1)  


ふうふ 夫婦 husband and wife
マンション   condominium; apartment building
おおやさん 大家さん landlord
おかえし お返し return (as a token of gratitude); change (after paying for something)
クラブ   club; student society, organization
クリスマス   Christmas
(お)たんじょうび お誕生日 birthday [ is an honorific prefix]
バレンタイン(デー)   St. Valentine's Day (Gift-giving day, normally from women to men)
ホワイトデー   "White Day" (Gift-returning day, normally from men to women)
マフラー   scarf
コップ   glass, tumbler
さら plate, dish
ぬいぐるみ   stuffed animal, doll
ゆびわ 指輪 ring
ビデオカメラ   camcorder
デジカメ   digital camera
みかん   mandarin orange
まんが 漫画 comic, comic book
おなじ 同じ same [おなじX: the same X; おなじじゃない: not the same]
きょねん 去年 last year
かちょう 課長 Section Chief
ぎりチョコ 義理チョコ obligatory chocolate
いっかげつご 一ヶ月後 one month later
みんな   everyone; everything


2  Verbs (VQ16-2): () = verb, () = verb, (irreg) = irregular verb  


なくす   () to lose
あらう 洗う () to wash; to clean (with water) [Note コンタクトレンズをあらう, くるまをあらう vs. へやをそうじする]
おくる 送る, 贈る () to send; to give [a gift] [X Yをおくる: to send Y to X]
あげる 上げる () to give (to others) [X Yをあげる: Someone gives Y to X.]
くれる   () to give (to me/speaker) [Recipient must be the speaker or speaker's ingroup.]
もらう   () to receive (from others) [Xに/から Y をもらう: Someone receives Y from X; Giver must not be the speaker.]
にあう 似合う () to look good (on someone) [Xがにあう: X looks good on ...]
できる 出来る () can do/play [potential of する]; to come into existence; to be made (of)
そうだんする 相談する (irreg) to consult [Xに相談する: to consult X]

(irreg) to propose marriage [Xにプロポーズする: to propose marriage to X]

ほしがる 欲しがる () (Someone other than the speaker) wants [Xをほしがっている: Someone wants X.]
おかえしをする お返しをする (irreg) to return the favor/gift


3   (VQ16-2): () = adjective, () = adjective  


ほしい 欲しい () to want [Speaker's desire; Xが ほしい: I want X.]
けち   () stingy; cheap


4  Others (VQ16-2)  


  as many as/as much as [more than expected]
しか   only [less than expected; しか must be followed by a negative expression.]
かもしれない   might; possibly
あげたらいい   Why don't you give...? [Lit., "It would be nice if you give..."]
おめでとうございます   Congratulations!
そういうの   that kind of thing [= そんなの]
~たち   [plural suffix for people: ぼくたち: we/us; 私たち: we/us]
~だい [counter for equipment and machines]
たぶん   probably
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