1. Vしようと…: Plain Volitional V
2. ~予定です: Be Scheduled to...
3. Vておく: Do it in Advance
4. ~目: Ordinal Numbers
grammar Grammar Notes 17 Open in separate window
 しようと思う or と思っている: Plain Volitional Verbs  


We learned to use the polite volitional verbs before when the speaker is suggesting a plan to do something together (e.g., しましょう → しよう Let's do it!). The plain form of these polite volitional forms are introduced in this lesson. For the -verbs, the plain volitional form is obtained simply by changing the ending to よう. The plain volitional forms of する and くる can also be obtained by using よう as shown below.

  -Verbs   Irregular Verbs  
Converts to
  する Converts to よう  
  Converts to よう   くる Converts to よう  
  かり Converts to かりよう          

For -verbs, the plain, non-past verb ending /...u/ changes to /...oo/ as shown below.

  Converts to こう   Converts to のう   Converts to もう  
  いそ Converts to いそごう   あそ Converts to あそぼう   はい Converts to はいろう  
  はな Converts to はなそう   Converts to とう   Converts to おう  
If the question particle follows the volitional verb, it creates a gentle suggestion. The plain forms of these expressions can be used in casual, informal conversations between friends and peers.
  A: どこかに食べに 行きましょう か。 Shall we go somewhere to eat?  
  B: ええ、そう しましょう。
Yes, let's do so!  
  A: どこかに食べに 行こう か。 Shall we go somewhere to eat?  
  B: うん、そう しよう。
Yes, let's do so!  
If the subject is the speaker alone, this functions as a way of volunteering to do something.
  • A: 私が行きましょうか。 Shall I go? (volunteering)
    B: ええ、おねがいします。 Yes, please.
    B: いいえ、いいですよ。 No, that's okay.

  • A: ぼくが行こうか。 Shall I go? (volunteering)
    B: うん、おねがい(する)。 Yes, please.
    B: ううん、いいよ。 No, that's okay.

The plain volitional verb can be combined with と思う verb in the following ways. The polite volitional forms are NOT used in this pattern. The subject of と思う is usually the speaker while the subject of と思っています can be the speaker or someone else.

  • 行こうと思います
    I think I'll go. (The decision to go was made just now.)

  • 行こうと思っています
    I'm thinking of going.
    (The decision to go was made some time ago.)

  • スミスさんは行こうと思っています
    Ms. Smith is thinking of going.
    (The decision to go was made some time ago.)

Compare the following:

  Intention   Volition  
  6時におきるつもりだ。   6時におきようと思っている。  
  6時におきないつもりだ。   No equivalent expression  
  6時におきるつもりはない。   6時におきようとは思っていない。  

 ~予定です: Be Scheduled to...  


()(てい) means a prearranged schedule. If a non-past, plain-form predicate precedes よてい, it is used to say something is scheduled (regardless of who has made that schedule). A plain negative predicate can also be used to say that something is NOT scheduled. These expressions are similar to するつもりです (I intend to do [something]) we learned earlier.

  • 来週、ニューヨークへ行く予定です。
    I am scheduled to go to New York next week.

  • 姉は6月にけっこんする予定です。
    My older sister is scheduled to get married in June.

  • あしたは学校に行かない予定です。
    I'm not scheduled/planning to go to school tomorrow.

  • りょうしんからお金をかりない予定です。
    I'm not planning to borrow money from my parents.

A longer expression よていがある can also be used in the similar way --- Someone has a prearranged schedule.

  • 土曜日にめんせつの予定があります。
    On Saturday, an interview is scheduled.

  • あした何かする予定がありますか。
    Do you have a plan to do something tomorrow?

Compare the following:

Intention Volition Schedule
 6時におきるつもりだ 6時におきようと思っている 6時におきる予定だ
 6時におきないつもりだ No equivalent expression 6時におきない予定だ
 6時におきるつもりはない 6時におきようとは思っていない 6時におきる予定はない 
 Vておく: Do It in Advance  


The V form combined with the おく verb describes an action performed in advance/in preparation for something. (The おく verb itself is a -verb meaning to put something down.) Vておく/Vでおく can be contracted to Vとく/Vどく, respectively.

  • りょうしんが来るので、へやをそうじしておきました
    I cleaned up my room because my parents are coming.

  • 日本へ行くから、パスポートをとっておかなくちゃいけない。
    I must get my passport because I'm going to Japan.

  • この本を読んどいて下さい。
    Please read this book in advance.

  • 台風(たいふう)が来るから、ラジオのでんちを買っといたほうがいい。
    We had better buy batteries for the radio since the typhoon is coming.



 ~目: Ordinal Numbers  


Earlier when we introduced family terms, we learned how to state the age order of siblings by using the suffix ().

  1. 一ばん目: first (FYI: 一ばん: Number one)
  2. 二ばん目: second (FYI: 二ばん: Number two)
  3. 三ばん目: third (FYI: 三ばん: Number three)
  4. etc.

The suffix ~目 can be used with other counters as shown below.

  1. 一つ目、二つ目、三つ目... (first one, second one, third one, ...)
  2. 一人目、二人目、三人目… (first person, second person, third person, ...)
  3. 一本目、二本目、三本目... (first long object, second long object, third long object, ...)
  4. 一さつ目、二さつ目、三さつ目... (first book, second book, third book, ...)
  5. 一時間目、二時間目、三時間目... (first hour, second hour, third hour, ...)
  6. 一まい目、二まい目、三まい目... (first sheet, second sheet, third sheet, ...)
  7. 一こ目、二こ目、三こ目... (first solid object, second solid object, third solid object, ...)
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