1. Verbs
2. Nouns
3. Others
vocabulary Vocabulary Summary 18 Open in separate window
Words in square brackets are not used in vocabulary tests, and their meanings will be provided in classroom activities. However, you will need to study them for other quizzes and exams. Words in appear in the dialogues.
1  Verbs: () = verb, () = verb, (irreg) = irregular verb  


つれていく 連れて行く () to take (someone) to (a place) [person place つれていく]
おしえる   () to teach
あさねぼうする 朝寝坊する (irreg) to oversleep
のりおくれる 乗り遅れる () to miss (a train, bus, plane, etc.) [バスにのりおくれる: to miss the bus]
おくる 送る () to send (someone/something to a place) [XYに おくる: to send X to Y]; to walk along with (someone)/give a ride [person placeまでおくる: to walk along with (someone)/give (someone) a ride to a place]
おくっていく 送って行く () to take (someone) to (a place) often by a vehicle [personを placeまで (or ) おくっていく]
みちにまよう 道に迷う () to become lost; to lose one's way [まよう: to be confused; みちにまよう: (Lit.) to get confused with regard to roads] [Xに道を聞く: ask X for directions]
まにあう 間に合う () to be in time [Xに まにあわない: to be late (i.e., not in time) for X]
おこす 起こす () to wake (someone) up
おごる   () to treat (someone) to a meal [personに meal おごる]
おちこむ 落ち込む () to get depressed
こまる 困る () to have difficulty; to be annoyed
(だす) 出す () to take (something) out; to submit (something)
なおす 直す () to correct; to fix; to repair; to cure
やくす 訳す () to translate [sourceを targetに やくす = ほんやくする]
わらう 笑う () to laugh
アイロンをかける   () to iron (clothes) [かける: to hang (on something) or to apply]
あつめる 集める () to collect
いれる 入れる () to put (something) in [thingを placeに いれる. e.g., コーヒーに さとうを いれる; おちゃを いれる: to pour/serve tea]
みせる 見せる () to show [something person みせる]
あんないする 案内する (irreg) to show (someone) around; to guide
せつめいする 説明する (irreg) to explain
むかえにくる 迎えに来る (irreg) to come to pick up (someone) [place personを むかえにいく: to go to pick up (someone)]


2  Nouns  


やきにくりょうり 焼肉料理 grilled meat dish
だいがくいん 大学院 graduate school
おねがい お願い request; wish
すいせんじょう 推薦状 letter of recommendation
しょうがくきん 奨学金 scholarship
みち way, road, direction [道にまよう: is lost (the direction)]
えきいん 駅員 station attendant
おや parent(s)
ごみ   garbage, trash
さとう 砂糖 sugar
しんせき 親戚 relative(s)
たいふう 台風 typhoon
day or date
ファイル   file, portfolio
めざましどけい 目覚まし時計 alarm clock


3  Others  


きたない 汚い () dirty
もちろん   of course
もらえるといい   I hope you will get it. [Lit., "It would be nice if you can receive it."]
ごめんなさい   I'm sorry.
かえったとき 帰った時 when I returned home
ええと   (interj) well...; let me see... (trying to job one's memory)
きょうじゅうに 今日中に (phr) by the end of today written as 今日中に [cf. 一日中 ( いちにちじゅう ) : all day long]
このあいだ   (phr) the other day [Also こないだ]
このぐらい   (phr) about this much [Also これぐらい, このくらい or これくらい]
ごめん   (phr) I'm sorry. [casual]
しつれいします 失礼します (phr) Excuse me; Sorry to interrupt you; Sorry for leaving.
じぶんで 自分で (phr) (do something) by yourself
じゅぎょうちゅうに 授業中に (phr) in class; during class [~中{ちゅう}: (in) the middle of...]
ほかの   (phr) other
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