1. Verbs
2. Nouns
3. Others
vocabulary Vocabulary Summary 19 Open in separate window
Words in square brackets are not used in vocabulary tests, and their meanings will be provided in classroom activities. However, you will need to study them for other quizzes and exams. Words in appear in the dialogues.
1  Verbs: () = verb, () = verb, (irreg) = irregular verb  


えらぶ 選ぶ () to choose; to select
おゆをわかす お湯を沸かす () to boil water
かみをとかす 髪をとかす () to comb one's hair
こむ 混む () to get crowded/congested
やめる   () to quit [バイトをやめる: to quit a part-time job]
たからくじにあたる 宝くじに当たる () to win a lottery
ぬぐ 脱ぐ () to take off (clothes)
ひげをそる   () to shave one's beard/mustache
いれる 入れる () to make/pour/serve (tea, coffee, etc.)
かぎをかける 鍵をかける () to lock [ドアにかぎをかける: to lock the door]
たりる 足りる () to be sufficient/enough
なれる 慣れる () to get used/accustomed to [日本の生活になれる: to get used to living in Japan]
けしょうする 化粧する (irreg) to put makeup on
しゅうしょくする 就職する (irreg) to get full-time job (at) [会社にしゅうしょくする: to get employed by a company]
する   (irreg) to wear/attach (small items such as necktie, watch, etc.)
りこんする 離婚する (irreg) to get a divorce


2  Nouns  


バイト   part-time job [casual; Same as アルバイト]
おきゃくさん お客さん guest; visitor; customer
おゆ お湯 hot water
かみ (L.4) paper
かぎ lock or key
きゅうりょう 給料 salary
コンタクト   contact lenses
さいてい 最低 the lowest; the worst
サラリーマン   salaried man; (male) company employee
ざんぎょう 残業 overtime work
ストーブ   heater [not a cooking stove]
たからくじ 宝くじ lottery
ちがい 違い difference
ニュース (L.6)   news
ひげ   beard; mustache
ひみつ 秘密 secret
りょう (L.4) dormitory
りょこうがいしゃ 旅行会社 travel agency
じぶん 自分 oneself


3  Others  


うらやましい   () envious [私は田中さんがうらやましい: I envy Ms. Tanaka.]
すくない 少ない () few; little
つよい 強い () strong
しなくてもいい   do not have to do (something) [Lit. "it is okay even if someone doesn't do it"]
なあ   [sentence particle expressing exclamation ("!")]
~みたい   casual resemblance: It looks like/seems...
たとえば   for example
~にくらべて ~に比べて compared with
~によると   according to
~まえに ~前に before (something happens) [non-past V + 前に as in ねる前に: before I go to bed]
~てから   after (something happens) [Vて+から as in 飲んでから: after I drink (something)]
やっぱり   after all; on second thought; as expected
おめでとうございます   Congratulations!
~かな(あ)   I wonder. [casual; male]
~かしら   I wonder. [casual; female]
ずいぶん   very
そうか   I see. [casual; In formal situations, use そうですか.]
それに   furthermore; moreover; in addition
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