1. Verbs
2. Nouns
3. Others
vocabulary Vocabulary Summary 20 Open in separate window
Words in square brackets are not used in vocabulary tests, and their meanings will be provided in classroom activities. However, you will need to study them for other quizzes and exams. Words in appear in the dialogues.
1  Verbs: () = verb, () = verb, (irreg) = irregular verb  


あく  開く () [iv] (Something) opens [ドアが あく: The door will open.]
あける 開ける () [tv] to open (something) [ドアを あける: to open the door]
しまる 閉まる () [iv] (Something) closes [ドアが しまる: The door will close.]
しめる 閉める () [tv] to close (something) [ドアをしめる: to close the door]
つく   () [iv] (Something) turns on/comes on [電気がついた: The electricity/light came on.]
つける   () [tv] to turn on (something) [電気を つける: to turn on the light]
きえる 消える () [iv] (Something) goes out/is turned off [ろうそくが きえた: The candle went out.]
けす 消す () [tv] to turn off (something); to erase (something) [ろうそくを けす: to blow out the candle.]
おちる 落ちる () [iv] (Something) drops/falls [コップがおちた: The glass dropped/fell.]
おとす 落とす () [tv] to drop (something) [コップを おとす: to drop the glass]
こわれる 壊れる

() [iv] (Something) breaks [おもちゃが こわれた: The toy broke.]

こわす 壊す () [tv] to break (something) [おもちゃを こわす: break the toy]
よごれる 汚れる () [iv] (Something) becomes dirty [ふくがよごれた: The clothes got dirty.]
よごす 汚す () [tv] to make dirty; to soil/stain; to contaminate/pollute [ふくを よごす: to make the clothes dirty]
おゆがわく お湯が沸く () [iv] water boils
おゆをわかす (L.19) お湯を沸かす () [tv] to boil water
たすかる 助かる () [iv] to be saved; to be helped [子どもが たすかった: The child was saved.]
たすける 助ける () [tv] to save (someone/something); to help (someone/something) [こどもを たすける: to save the child]
かぎがかかる 鍵がかかる () [iv] to lock [ドアに かぎが かかっている: The door is locked.]
かぎをかける (L.19) 鍵をかける () [tv] to lock [ドアに かぎを かける: to lock the door]
じかんがかかる (L.12) 時間がかかる () [iv] (Something) takes time.
じかんをかける 時間をかける () [tv] to take (time)
おかねがかかる お金がかかる () [iv] (Something) costs (money).
おかねをかける お金をかける () [tv] to spend/take (money)
でんわがかかる 電話がかかる () [iv] Phones comes in/Phone rings
でんわをかける 電話をかける () [tv] to make a phone call
はいる (L.7) 入る () [iv] (Someone/Something) enters/goes in/is included
いれる (L.9) 入れる () [tv] to put (someone/something) in
でる (L.11) 出る () [iv] (Something) goes out/comes out
だす 出す () [tv] to take/put (something) out
きまる (L.7) 決まる () [iv] (Something) is decided [しゅうしょくが きまった: My employment has been decided.]
きめる (L.12) 決める () [tv] to decide on (something) [大学を きめる: to decide on the university]
なおる 直る () [iv] (Someone/Something) is repaired/fixed/corrected. [病気が なおる: to recover from illness]
なおす (L.18) 直す () [tv] to repair/fix/correct/cure (something/someone) [おもちゃを なおす: to repair the toy]
おきる (L.7) 起きる () [iv] (Someone) wakes up; (Something) occurs [子どもが おきる: The child wakes up. じしんが おきた: Earthquake occurred.]
おこす (L.18) 起こす () [tv] to wake up (someone); to cause (something) to occur [子どもをおこす: to wake up the child. じしんをおこす: to cause an earthquake]
おりる 降りる () [iv] (Someone) gets off/steps down [おきゃくさんが バスを おりる: Passengers get off the bus.]
おろす (L.17) 降ろす () [tv] to take down; to unload [おきゃくさんを バスから おろす: to unload passengers from the bus]
とまる (L.12) 止まる () [iv] (Someone/Something) stops/stays [バスが とまる: The bus stops.]
とめる 止める () [tv] to stop (someone/something) [バスを とめる: to stop the bus]
のる (L.13) 乗る () [iv] (Someone/Something) gets on/rides [おきゃくさんが バスに のる: Passengers get on the bus.]
のせる 乗せる () [tv] to load (someone/something on a vehicle) [おきゃくさんを バスに のせる: to load passengers on the bus]
[のこる] [残る] () [iv] (Someone/Something) remains; (Someone/Something) becomes left over [ごはんが のこっている: The food is left over.]
[のこす] [残す] () [tv] to leave (someone/something) behind [ごはんを のこす: to leave some food unconsumed/behind]
[かたづく]   () [iv] (Someone/Something) becomes tidy [へやが かたづいた: The room became tidy.]
[かたづける]   () [tv] to put (something) in order; to tidy up [へやを かたづける: to tidy up the room]
[まわる] [回る] () [iv] (Someone/Something) goes/turns around [プリントアウトを まわす: The printouts go around.]
[まわす] [回す] () [tv] to turn (someone/something) around; to rotate; to circulate [サインアップシートを まわす: to circulate the sign-up sheet]
[つづく] [続く] () [iv] (Something) continues [雨が つづく: Rain continues.]
[つづける] [続ける] () [tv] to continue (something) [授業を つづける: to continue the class]
or てきてしまう
  Something (beyond my control) came about [Vてしまう here expresses that the circumstances are beyond the speaker's control.]
たのむ 頼む () to ask (a favor); to request
おす 押す () to push/press [ボタンをおす: to push the button]
あやまる 謝る () to apologize [田中さんにあやまる: to apologize to Ms. Tanaka]
ころぶ 転ぶ () to fall down; to stumble
さく 咲く () to bloom [はなが さいた: The flowers bloomed.]
かんがえる 考える () to consider; to think (about) [しゅうしょくについて 考える: to consider employment]
ちゅうもんする 注文する (irreg) to place an order


2  Nouns  


レンジ   cooking range
おゆ お湯 hot water
すいはんき 炊飯器 rice cooker
あいだ a while; gap [少しの間: for a little while]


スイッチ   switch
スマホ   smart phone [Also, スマートホン or スマホ]
るすばんでんわ 留守番電話 answering machine [るす電 is the short form of るすばん電話.]
れいぞうこ 冷蔵庫 refrigerator
ろうそく   candle
あと   the rest; the remaining part
エアコン   air conditioner
カーテン   curtain
ぎゅうにゅう 牛乳 milk [Also, ミルク]
シャンプー   shampoo
しょうゆ   soy sauce
そと (L.5) outside
タオル   towel
にっき 日記 diary
ポップコーン   popcorn
やちん 家賃 rent
ゆうがた (L.6) 夕方 late afternoon towards sunset; early evening


3  Others  


あかるい 明るい (L.9) (-adj) bright; light
きぶんがわるい 気分が悪い (L.14) (-adj) feeling sick
はずかしい 恥ずかしい (-adj) embarrassing; feeling embarrassed
やっぱり   just as I thought
もうしわけありません 申し訳ありません I am so sorry. [Business-style apology. Lit. it means "I have no excuses."]
ちょうどいい   Just in time. [Lit., "Just right"]
ようじができる 用事ができる Something (to do) came up.
~と   if/when(ever) (something happens)
いますぐ 今すぐ right away
おかげで   thanks to... [友だちのおかげで日本になれました: Thanks to my friends, I got used to Japan.]
おさきにしつれいします お先に失礼します See you. [Lit. "I'm leaving ahead of you."]
おつかれさま or
You must be tired after working so hard. [ritualistic expression directed toward a person who is going home (after work) or has come back (from a meeting, etc.)]
~(ん)だろう   plain form of ~(ん)でしょう
どうしよう   plain form of どうしましょう ("What shall I/we do?")
ほんとうに 本当に really; truly [本当は: truthfully]
まず   first of all
~までに   by (time/date) [そつぎょうまでに: by graduation; そつぎょうするまでに: by the time I graduate]
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