Conversation Dialogue 5: Asking Someone's Name


In this dialogue, someone is trying to find out the name of the person he just met.


A: すみません。おなまえは?
B: ブラウンです。アメリカからきました。


key voc
1. おなまえ name [ = honorific prefix]
2. [a topic marker pronounced as /wa/] as for; speaking of
3. から from
4. きました [someone] came.

Key Vocabulary

1. えいご English [language] 6. ロシアご Russian [language]
2. フランスご French [language] 7. かんこくご Korean [language]
3. ドイツご German [language] 8. ちゅうごくご Chinese [language]
4. スペインご Spanish [language] 9. なにご what language?
5. [イタリアご] Italian [language] 10. [アラビアご] Arabic [language]
A: Excuse me. Your name is...?
B: I'm Brown. I came from America. Nice to meet you.
1. Honorific prefix in おなまえ expresses respect toward the listener without changing its meaning.
2. Frequently, おなまえは? is used rather than the full question form to avoid sounding too direct.