1. Verbs
2. Nouns
3. Others
vocabulary Vocabulary Summary 21 Open in separate window
Words in square brackets are not used in vocabulary tests, and their meanings will be provided in classroom activities. However, you will need to study them for other quizzes and exams. Words in appear in the dialogues.
1  Verbs: () = verb, () = verb, (irreg) = irregular verb  


おつきになるhonorific お着きになる () [()きになる: honorific of ()] to arrive
おつかれになるhonorific お疲れになる () to get tired [honorific of (つか)れる]
もどる 戻る () to return
おなかがすく おなかがすく () to become hungry
めしあがるhonorific 召し上がる () to eat or drink [honorific of 食べる and 飲む]
あずける 預ける () to leave (something/someone) in someone's care or charge
おきまりになるhonorific お決まりになる () to be decided [honorific of きまる]
きまる 決まる () (something) gets decided [e.g., しゅうしょくがきまる: Employment is decided.]
およびくださいhonorific お呼び下さい () Please call/summon me. [honorific of ()んでください]
くださる 下さる (-special) Honorific form of くれる [Note that the polite form is くださいます.]
はなしをする 話をする (irreg) to have a talk
よる 寄る () to drop in; to stop by [placeに よる: to stop by at a place]
おつかれだhonorific お疲れだ () to be tired [honorific of つかれている]
えんりょする 遠慮する (irreg) to hold back for the time being; to refrain from [e.g., おたばこは ごえんりょ下さい: Please refrain from smoking. えんりょなさらないで下さい: Please don't hold back. Help yourself.]
つたえる 伝える () to communicate; to send a message [よろしくお(つた)え下さい: Please give my best regards.]
いらっしゃるhonorific   (-special) Honorific form of いく, くる and いる [Note that the polite form is いらっしゃいます.]
おこる 怒る () to get angry [cf. しかる; to scold]
おっしゃるhonorific   (-special) Honorific form of いう [Note that the polite form is おっしゃいます.]
おやすみになるhonorific お休みになる () Honorific form of ねる/やすむ
ごらんになるhonorific ご覧になる () Honorific form of 見る
しりあう 知り合う () to get acquainted with [someoneと しりあう: to get acquainted with someone]
Vていらっしゃるhonorific   (-special) Honorific form of Vている [e.g., 書いていらっしゃいます: He/She is writing something.]
なさるhonorific   (-special) Honorific form of する [Note that the polite form is なさいます]
ごぞんじだhonorific ご存知だ Honorific form of しっている [スミス先生をごぞんじですか: Do you know Prof. Smith?]
ごぞんじじゃないhonorific ご存知じゃない Honorific form of しらない [ごぞんじじゃありません: He/She does not know it.]
ひっこす 引っ越す () to move (to another place to live) [placeに ひっこす: to move to a place]
おくれる 遅れる () to be late (for something) [e.g., デートに おくれる: to be late for a date]
  Based on かける () [Usually used as an honorific advice: どうぞ、おかけください: Please sit down. More often used than おすわりください.]
すわる 座る () to sit down [e.g., いすに すわる: to sit down on a chair]
はれる 晴れる () to become sunny; to clear up
もてる   () to be popular (in terms of romantic interest) among... [e.g., 女性(じょせい)にもてる: to be popular among women]
ごちそうする ご馳走する (irreg) to treat/invite (someone) to a meal (person meal) [similar to おごる, but not limited to treating someone to a meal at a restaurant (e.g. inviting someone to home for a special meal)]
しょうたいする 招待する (irreg) to invite someone (to an event/place) [someoneを event/place招待(しょうたい)する: to invite someone to an event/place]
ちゅういする 注意する (irreg) to watch out for ~; to give warning to ~ [e.g., 車に注意(ちゅうい)する: to watch out for cars; 田中さんに注意する: to warn Mr. Tanaka]


2  Nouns  


くうこう 空港 airport
でむかえ 出迎え going (somewhere) to pick up (someone)
しゅっちょう 出張 a business trip
かちょう 課長 a section chief
~はず   to be supposed to...; to be expected [()くはず: to be supposed to arrive]
ながたび 長旅 a long trip
おしょくじ お食事 a meal [ is an honorific prefix.]
なんめいさまhonorific 何名様 How many (people)? [honorific of 何人(なんにん)]
おにもつhonorific お荷物 luggage [ is an honorific prefix.]
おせきhonorific お席 a seat [ is an honorific prefix.]
まどぎわ 窓際 the window side
おはなしhonorific お話 a talk, a chat, a story [ is an honorific prefix.]
カフェバー   a cafe bar
たのしみ 楽しみ enjoyment [X(たの)しみにする: to look forward to X]
おたくhonorific お宅 (1) Honorific form of うち (your home/house); (2) オタク geek, nerd, enthusiast, otaku
おくさまhonorific 奥様 Honorific form of おくさん (your/his wife)
おこさまhonorific お子様 Honorific form of おこさん (your/their child(ren)]
みなさまhonorific 皆様 Honorific form of みんな (everyone)
おれい お礼 expression of gratitude [ is an honorific prefix. However, おれい is used commonly as a regular noun instead of an honorific noun.]
おなまえhonorific お名前 a name [ is an honorific prefix]
ごじゅうしょhonorific ご住所 one's address [ is an honorific prefix.]
けいご 敬語 honorific or respectful language
こちら (L.5)   Polite form of こっち, ここ or これ (this way) [e.g., こちらへ どうぞ: This way, please. こちらは スミスさんです: This is Mr/Ms. Smith. こちらに書いてください: Please write here.]
どちら (L.5)   Polite form of どっち, どこ or どれ (where) [e.g., ごしゅっしんは どちらですか: Where is your hometown?]
しゅるい 種類 a kind; a sort; a type
せいかく 性格 personality [せいかくが いい: Someone has a likable personality.]
ちゅうがくせい 中学生 junior high school student
なまけもの   a lazy person
なやみ 悩み worry
はずかしがりや 恥ずかしがり屋 a shy person
ぶちょう 部長 department/division manager
ぶんか 文化 culture
まちがい 間違い a mistake; an error
なぜ   why; how come [= どうして]


3  Others  


よろしく   best regards [ form of よろしい = polite form of いい]
~めいさま ~名様 party of ... people [e.g., 三めいさま: a party of three]
~はず   to be supposed to ... [あいているはず: is supposed to be open]
なかがいい 仲がいい () to be on good/close terms; to get along with
まじめな   () serious; sober; diligent
ほんとうは 本当は (adv) actually; in fact; originally
ようこそ   Welcome!
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