Conversation 7-1 Dialogue 1: 日本りょうりが きです pdf

Mr. Baker and Mr. Kawasaki are at a Japanese restaurant.


Japanese Restaurant
A: おすしとおさしみをおねがいします。
B: ベーカーさんは日本料理(りょうり)()きですね。
A: ええ、おすしやおさしみをよく()べますよ。かわさきさんは?
B: ぼくはすしは()きですけど、さしみはあまり()きじゃありません。


key voc
1. おすし お寿司 sushi [ is an honorific prefix.]
2. おさしみ お刺身 raw fish dish [ is an honorific prefix.]
3. ベイカー ベイカー Baker [family name]
4. にほんりょうり 日本料理 Japanese food/cooking
5. すきです 好きです [-adj; polite form] like
6. かわさき 川崎 Kawasaki [family name]
7. けど   but (= ) [used at the end of sentences]
8. すきじゃありません 好きじゃありません [-adj] not like [neg. of すきです]
A: Please give me sushi and sashimi (raw fish).
B: You like Japanese food, Mr. Baker, don't you?
A: Yes, I eat sushi and sashimi (among others) often. How about you?
B: I like sushi, but I don't like sashimi very much.
1. 寿司 (すし)

さしみ is raw sliced meat (usually fish). すし refers to vinegard rice with raw slided fish, but すし meals can be served with other seafoods, eggs and vegetables. There are different types of
すし. にぎりずし is a hand-pressed bite-size sushi topped with raw fish, shellfish, cooked egg, and so on. まぐろ (tuna) is a popular topping. まきずし is sushi rolled in a toasted seaweed sheet (のり). ちらしずし is sushi in a bowl with assorted seafood and vegetable.

にぎりずし (まぐろ)
にぎりずし (ひらめ)
まきずし (まぐろ)



料理 (りょうり)


りょうり means cooking. When you attach a country name in front of it, it specifies the nationality of the dish (e.g., 日本りょうり, フランスりょうり, メキシコりょうり, etc.). For Chinese food, however, ちゅうかりょうり is more commonly used than ちゅうごくりょうり.


水 (みず)


みず (also politely called おみず or おひや) means cold water. To refer to hot water, we use おゆ. あついみず is a contradiction (hot cold water?).