Conversation 7-2 Dialogue 2: ジャズをくのが 大好きです pdf

Ms. Tanaka and Mr. Kawasaki are discussing what music they like.


Dialogue 1
A: かわさきさんはどんな音楽(おんがく)()きですか。
B: 音楽ですか。そうですね。ぼくはよくジャズを()きますね。
A: ほんとうですか。私もジャズを()くのが(だい)()きですよ。
B: ジャズの中で、だれが一ばん()きですか。
A: とくに、まついけいこが()きです。


key voc
1. ジャズ   jazz
2. ほんとう 本当 truth [ほんとうですか "Really?"]
3. きく 聞く listen [-V; plain form of ききます]
4. だいすき 大好き like it very much
5. だれ who
6. いちばん 一番 number one, best, most
7. とくに 特に especially
8. まついけいこ 松居慶子 Keiko Matsui [Matsui: family name, Keiko: woman's name]
A: What kind of music do you like, Mr. Kawasaki?
B: You mean music? Well, I often listen to jazz.
A: Really? I listen to jazz often, too.
B: Among jazz (performers), who do you like the best?
A: I especially like Keiko Matsui.
1. When we refer to public figures in the third person, those who has no job title (such as celebrities and athletes) are usually referred to without さん (e.g., まつい けいこ). Public figures with job titles such as movie directors, managers, etc. are referred to with (e.g. みやざきし "Mr. Miyazaki") or with the job title (e.g., みやざきかんとく "Director Miyazaki"). さん (or the job title) is used when you address these people in a face-to-face situation: まつい けいこさん.)