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Classroom Session 7-2 | ![]() |
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Let's interview your classmates about their preferences by following the model conversation below. Report your findings afterwards.
Create a conversation similar to the example below. Be careful. Not all sentences end with すきです. A: さかなと ぎゅうにくと とりの なかで どれが いちばん すきですか。
Form a group of 3 (or more people). Ask everyone the following questions and record each answer.
After this, report your findings in the following way.
The following shows what each person likes to do or does not like to do. State their likes (or dislikes) in Japanese by using the plain form of each verb.
e.g., 田中さんは くるまで いく の は すきですが、でんしゃで いく の は すきじゃありません。
Create a conversation like the one below.
A: 田中さんは なにを するのが すきですか。
「~より ~のほうが~」 is the structure that refers to the two sides that are compared. Based on the following chart, let's carry out conversations about one's preferences.
A: てんぷらと すしと どちら(のほう)が すきですか。
For comparison of activities:
The comparison can be about anything besides one's preference. It can be "Which one do you V more often ---A or B?" Note that the particle may change from が to others like を, に, etc. depending on how the sentence ends. Also, an additional adjective like よく (often) may be used.
A: すしと さしみと どちら(のほう)を よく食べますか。
Fill in the blanks with appropriate particles (が, は, を, も, と). Write an "X" if no particle is necessary.
Read and write the following kanji.
Read the following conversation and answer the questions below.
Every occurrence of 日 below is pronounced differently.
今日は四月一日です。 |