In this lesson, we will also learn to describe families by using clause modifiers and to distinguish
in-group vs. out-group family terms (honorific and humble). We will also learn to express on-going actions (e.g., "She is using a computer") and resultant states (e.g., "They are married"). |
- Verb-ています
- Express on-going/repeated actions and resultant states by using Vて forms
(e.g., 食べています, けっこんしています, etc.)
- Person pronouns
- Additional academic subjects, majors, age, home towns, counter ~年生,
- Connective とき (e.g., こどものとき, 13さいのとき)
- Counting age (~つ, ~さい) and counting people (~人)
- Family terms
- Clothing verbs (きている, かぶっている, はいている, etc.)
- Describing people & things using modifying
clauses (しろいぼうしを かぶっている 人)
男女口目耳手足名父母兄弟姉妹家族(人) |