vocabulary Vocabulary Summary 11
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Words in square brackets are not used in vocabulary tests, and their meanings will be provided in classroom activities. However, you will need to study them for other quizzes and exams. Words with appear in the dialogues.
1  Nouns  


Person pronouns [VQ11-1] honorific = Honorific
ぼく   I, me [male]
[ぼくたち]   we, us (male)
わたしたち 私たち we, us (generic)
[あなた]   you (toward a peer or subordinate person)
[おれ] I, me (male, very blunt)
[きみ] you (toward a peer or subordinate person)
[かれ] he
[かれら] 彼ら they (generic)
[かのじょ] 彼女 she
[かのじょたち] 彼女たち they (female)
Age Counter [VQ11-1]
さい   [age counter] year(s) old
いっさい 一歳 1 year old (= ひとつ)
にさい 二歳 2 years old (= ふたつ)
さんさい 三歳 3 years old (= みっつ)
よんさい 四歳 4 years old (= よっつ)
ごさい 五歳 5 years old (= いつつ)
ろくさい 六歳 6 years old (= むっつ)
ななさい 七歳 7 years old (= ななつ)
はっさい 八歳 8 years old (= やっつ)
きゅうさい 九歳 9 years old (= ここのつ)
じゅっさい 十歳 10 years old (= とお)
はたち 二十歳 20 years old (にじゅっさい used less commonly)
なんさい 何歳 How old? (= いくつ)
People Counter [VQ11-1]
ひとり 一人 one person
ふたり 二人 two persons
さんにん 三人 three persons
にん 四人 four persons
ごにん 五人 five persons
ろくにん 六人 six persons
しちにん or ななにん 七人 seven persons
はちにん 八人 eight persons
きゅうにん 九人 nine persons
じゅうにん 十人 ten persons
なんにん 何人 how many people?
Descriptions of People 1 [VQ11-1] (Also, see Verbs below for more words in VQ11-1)
じんるいがく 人類学 anthropology
アジアけんきゅう アジア研究 Asian Studies
みなさん honorific 皆さん everyone; everybody [honorific form of みんな]
ごしゅっしん Honorific ご出身 home town [= しゅっしん; = honorific prefix]
おしごと honorific お仕事 work; job [= しごと; = honorific prefix]
[テレコム]   telecommunications
かいしゃ 会社 company
それから   since then
ずっと   throughout; continuously
[くん] suffix [くん is a title used after one's peers or subordinates; often used with younger males]
[ぶんがくぶ] 文学部 Department of Literature
[きょうようがくぶ] 教養学部 School of Liberal Arts
[しょうがくぶ] 商学部 School of Business
[いがくぶ] 医学部 School of Medicine
[りがくぶ] 理学部 School of Science
Family Terms [VQ11-2] honorific = Honorific; humble = Humble
ごかぞく honorific ご家族 family [ =honorific prefix]
かぞくhumble 家族 [one's own] family
ごりょうしんhonorific ご両親 both parents [ =honorific prefix]
りょうしんhumble 両親 [one's own] parents
おとうさんhonorific お父さん father [ =honorific prefix]
ちちhumble (one's own) father
おかあさんhonorific お母さん mother [ =honorific prefix]
ははhumble (one's own) mother
ごきょうだい honorific ご兄弟 brothers and sisters [ =honorific prefix]
きょうだいhumble 兄弟 [one's own] brothers and sisters
おにいさんhonorific お兄さん older brother [ =honorific prefix]
あにhumble [one's own] older brother
おねえさんhonorific お姉さん older sister [ =honorific prefix]
あねhumble [one's own] older sister
おとうとさんhonorific 弟さん younger brother
おとうとhumble [one's own] younger brother
いもうとさんhonorific 妹さん younger sister
いもうとhumble (one's own) younger sister
おじいさんhonorific   grandfather
そふhumble 祖父 [one's own] grandfather
おばあさんhonorific   grandmother
そぼhumble 祖母 [one's own] grandmother
ごしゅじんhonorific ご主人 husband
しゅじんhumble 主人 [one's own] husband
おくさんhonorific 奥さん wife
かないhumble 家内 [one's own] wife
おとこのこ 男の子 boy
おんなのこ 女の子 girl
ども 子供 child, children
humble [one's own] child, children [うちのこ "my child(ren)"]
おこさんHonorific お子さん [someone else's] child, children
むすこhumble 息子 (my) son
むすこさんHonorific 息子さん [someone else's] son
むすめhumble (my) daughter
むすめさんHonorific 娘さん [someone else's] daughter
ホストファミリー   host family
ともだち 友達 friend(s)
Descriptions of People 2 [VQ 11-3]
おせわHonorific お世話 care; help ( = honorific prefix); [おせわに なります (Idiom) "Thank you for your help." Said before the help is provided.]
こちらこそ   (idiom) Thank YOU (Lit. "It's me who should (thank)"). [Said after someone says "Thank you."]
かわいい   (い-adj) cute
おいくつHonorific   How old? [= いくつ; = honorific prefix]
[ほいくえん] 保育園 nursery school
しょうがっこう 小学校 elementary school [1st through 6th grades]
or ちゅうがっこう
or 中学校
middle school; junior high school [7th through 9th grades; FYI: こうこう: high school (10th through 12th grades)]
おじょうず Honorific お上手 skillful [= じょうず; = honorific prefix]
じょうず 上手 (-adj) skillful
へた 下手 (-adj) unskilled
[かずや] 和也 Kazuya [given name for males]
[ケント]   Kent [given name]
Descriptions of People 3 [Test 11-4] (Also, see Verbs below for more words in VQ11-4)
ぼうし 帽子 hat, cap
ブーツ   boots
ジャケット   jacket
スカート   skirt
くつ shoes
めがね 眼鏡 glasses
ズボン   pants
パンツ   1. underpants [Used by most speakers]
2. pants [Mostly used by young female speakers; For "trousers", use ズボン rather than パンツ to avoid misunderstanding]
シャツ   shirt
ブラウス   blouse
スーツ   suit
コート   coat
てぶくろ 手袋 gloves
マフラー   scarf [usually worn when cold]

みみ ear
はな nose
かみ hair
くち mouth
hand; arm
あたま head
かお face
あし leg; foot
おなか お腹 stomach
[は] tooth/teeth [pronounced as /ha/]
[くび] neck
[からだ] body
[むね] chest
[ゆび] finger; thumb; toe
height of a person; back
きんぱつ 金髪 blond(e) hair
2  Mostly Adjectives (() = -adjective, () = -adjective) (VQ11-4)  


まる circle
まるい 丸い () round
ほそい 細い () slender, skinny, wiry
ふとい 太い () thick, bold
[しかく] 四角 rectangle
しかくい 四角い () rectangular
ながい (in L. 9) 長い () long
みじかい (in L. 9) 短い () short
ほそながい 細長い () long and skinny
せがたかい 背が高い () one's height is tall
せがひくい 背が低い () one's height is short
おじょうず Honorific お上手 () skillful [= じょうず; = honorific prefix]
じょうず 上手 () skillful
へた 下手 () unskilled


3  Verbs  


Descriptions of People 1 [VQ11-1]
けんきゅうする 研究する (irreg) to research [Xについて けんきゅうする: to research on X]
すむ 住む () to live
すんでいる 住んでいる

is living; live

けっこんする 結婚する (irreg) to get married
[けっこんしています "is married"]
いらっしゃいます honorific   (special v) there are [honorific form of います]
結婚して~ [honorific of けっこんしています] (an outgroup member) is married
はたらく 働く () to work [Xで はたらいています "is working at X"]
つとめる 勤める () to work (for) [Xに つとめて います "is working for X"]
or いらっしゃいます
  to be; to stay [honorific form of いる or います]
行っている 行っている is going; goes [repeated action]; has gone [resulting state]
おせわになる お世話になる to be helped; to be under someone's care
でる 出る () to go out, come out; to emerge [でている: has gone out and is out now; has graduated]
でかける 出かける () to go out; to leave [でかけて いる: has gone out and is out now]
かえっている 帰っている has returned home and is still at home
きている 来ている has come and is still here
ふとる 太る () to get fat; to gain weight [ふとって いる: is fat]
やせる 痩せる () to get thin; to lose weight [やせて いる: is thin]
Descriptions of People 3 [Test 11-4]
きる 着る () to wear (on the upper body) [きて いる: is wearing]
はく   () to wear (on the lower body) [はいて いる: is wearing]
かぶる   () to wear (on the head) [かぶっている: is wearing]
かける   () to wear (attachments) [めがねを かけて いる: is wearing glasses]
もつ 持つ () to hold/carry [もって いる: is holding]
する   (irreg) to wear (attachments) [ネクタイを して いる: is wearing a necktie]


4  Others  


Cities (Not in Vocabulary Test)
とうきょう 東京 Tokyo
[よこはま] 横浜 Yokohama [a port city south of Tokyo]
[おおさか] 大阪 Osaka
[なごや] 名古屋 Nagoya
[きょうと] 京都 Kyoto
[なら] 奈良 Nara
[ひろしま] 広島 Hiroshima
[ながさき] 長崎 Nagasaki
[こうべ] 神戸 Kobe
[さっぽろ] 札幌 Sapporo
[せんだい] 仙台 Sendai
[なにし] 何市 What city?
~州 New York, NY
~州 San Francisco, CA
~州 Chicago, IL
アトランタ (in L.6)
~州 Atlanta, GA
~州 Miami, FL
[なにしゅう?] 何州 What state?
[カリフォルニア]   California
[ロサンゼルス]   Los Angeles
ヨーロッパ   Europe
[ロンドン]   London
[パリ]   Paris
[ベルリン]   Berlin
[ローマ]   Rome
[モスクワ]   Moscow
[ペキン]   Beijing
[ソウル]   Seoul
[タイペイ]   Taipei
[メキシコシティー]   Mexico City
[オタワ]   Ottawa
[シドニー]   Sydney
[ニューデリー(インド)]   New Deli (India)
[カイロ(エジプト)]   Cairo (Egypt)
[ブラジリア(ブラジル)]   Brazilia (Brazil)


5   Language Structures  


  • Verb- forms
  • Express on-going/repeated actions and resultant states by using V forms
    (e.g., たべています, けっこんしています, etc.)
  • Connective とき (e.g., こどものとき, 13さいのとき)
  • Clothing verbs (きている, かぶっている, はいている, etc.)
  • Describing people & things, using modifying clauses (しろいぼうしを かぶっている 人)