OJC Logo Instruction for Online Classroom Only


1  Setting Up  


View the video below and learn how to set up a virtual classroom. To login to a session, make sure you login from a quiet location with a strong Wi-Fi signal.



During the session, use a headset with microphone. Do not use the built-in speakers and microphone because they will cause everyone to hear your delayed echo and slow down the class progress.



2  Audio Check  


The following expressions will be used often at the beginning of each classroom session. Click on each picture to hear the sound.




Student 1


Student 2

We will discuss how to read and write Japanese characters later. Don't worry about how to read them at this point.


Teacher: きこえますか。 /kikoemasu ka/ (Can you hear me?)
Student 1: はい、きこえます。 /hai, kikoemasu/ (Yes, I can hear.)
Student 2: きこえません。 /kikoemasen/ (I can't hear.)