OJC Logo Classroom Instructions
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1  Basic Instruction  


Click here to see an extra class instruction for online classes.


Click on the audio playback buttons below and listen to the instruction. Your instructor will say one of them. If you have recognized it, please perform the action associated with it. Touch the picture to find out what you are supposed to do. Don't worry about how to read Japanese at this point.

Please listen.
  Please listen.
Sign--What is your name?    Say it.
  Please say it.
Sign--What is your name?    Say it.
  Please say it one more time.
Sign--What is your name?    I'm Tom.
  Please answer/respond.
John    What is your name?
  Please ask John.
2  Teacher Reactions  


Listen to the three teacher reactions below. We will discuss how to read and write Japanese characters later.

That's good!
  Is that okay?
Do you understand?

That's good!
  That's good!
Well done!
  Well done!


Other Instructions (Used as needed)


おおきいこえで はなしてください。
  Please speak louder.
  Please look at it.
3  Student Responses  


This is how you respond to the teacher when he/she calls your name. Click on the video to see it.


Teacher: Mr. Smith? スミスさん。
Student 1: Here/Yes. はい。
Teacher: Ms. Brown? ブラウンさん。
Student 2: Here/Yes. はい。