Conversation 8-4 Dialogue 4: ビールはきらいなの?

Friends are talking over the yakiniku dinner. Note how they talk casually by using the plain form endings.


M: ビール、飲む?
T: うん、ありがとう。 (T drinks beer.)
M: 私はジュースでいいわ。
T: どうして? ビールはきらいなの?
M: ううん、あしたテストがあるの。
T: そうなんだ。ひろしくんは?



key voc
1. おいしい   delicious, tasty
2. のまない 飲まない not drink [plain negative of のむ]
3. の?  

Gentle plain form of ~んですか. [のまないの?: Is it that you don't drink?]

4. ジュース   juice
5.   Feminine sentence particle
6. どうして?   How come? Why?
7. ~なの?   Gentle plain form of ~なんですか.
8.   Gentle plain form of ~んです. [あるの: It's that I have...]
9. そうなんだ   Blunt plain form of そうなんです. [そうなんだ: Is that so/why?]
A: Are you going to drink beer?
B: Yes, thanks. It's so good. Aren't you going to drink, Mari?
A: I'm fine with a juice.
B: How come? Is it that you dislike beer?
A: No, it's that I will have a test tomorrow.
B: Is that so? How about you, Hiroshi?
A: I'll drink. 'cause I don't have a test tomorrow.