hiragana logo Diacritics


1  Diacritic Marks  


By adding diacritic marks, you can modify the sound of some hiragana characters.

Diacritic marks (g/z/d/b sounds)

Two short strokes attached to the right shoulder of some symbols can change the voiceless /k/, /s/, /t/ and /h/ sounds to the respective voiced sounds of /g/, /z/, /d/ and /b/ (e.g., か ⇒ が ).

Diacritic marks (p sound)

A small circle attached to the right shoulder of the /h/ column symbols changes the /h/ sound to the /p/ sound (e.g., は ⇒ ぱ ).

Click on each box and hear how the diacritical marks change the sound of each hiragana column.

papipupepo babibubebo hahihuheho   dadidudedo tatituteto   zazizuzezo sasisuseso   gagigugego kakikukeko aiueo

and have the same /ji/ sound as in jeep (not /di/ as in deep). Also, and have the same /zu/ sound as in zoo (not /du/ as in do). However, these are not interchangeable characters. There is only one correct spelling for each word. In general, and are used more commonly than and .

Correct Incorrect If you are typing Japanese using a computer,
the following kanji conversions will take place.
sizuka → しずか → 静か (quiet)
siduka (misspelled) → しづか → no correct kanji
し ょ し ょ zisyo → じしょ → 辞書 (dictionary)
disyo (misspelled) → ぢしょ  → no correct kanji
tuduku → つづく → 続く (continue)
tuzuku (misspelled) → つずく → no correct kanji
は な は な hanadi → はなぢ → 鼻血 (nose bleeding)
hanazi (misspelled) → はなじ → no correct kanji
2  Exercises  


A. Read the hiragana words below and confirm your pronunciation by clicking on the audio icons.
1. かざり
2. ざいこ inventory
3. がいこくじん
4. ぜひ by all means
5. ざんげ confession; repentance
6. げんど limit
7. きず scar
8. じかん time
9. むぎ wheat
10. ふべん inconvenient
B. Choose the correct hiragana for each word below.
1. くぎ
2. ぎんこう
3. おふど
4. こんろ


6. ぼうけん