katakana logo Double Vowels and Double Consonants


1  Double Vowels  


Double vowels (e.g., /aa/, /ii/, /uu/, /ee/ and /oo/) in katakana are written with a vowel extender symbol Vowel Extender Symbol (horizontal version). For example, ああ is usually written as アー, not as アア. Click the audio icons below to hear the pronunciation of katakana words.

カード /kaado/ card
キー /kii/ key
スーパー /suupaa/ supermarket
ケーキ /keeki/ cake
コーヒー /koohii/ coffee
2  Double Consonants  


Double consonants in katakana are written in the similar way as those in hiragana. That is, double consonants or a pause in speech (e.g., /kk/, /dd/, /pp/, /tt/, etc.) are represented by a small (half-height) katakana as shown below. For the double consonant /ss/, instead of a pause in air flow, a continuous fricative sound /sss.../ is usually used (See flag below).

ホッケー /hokkee/ hockey
グッドラック /guddorakku/ good luck
ハッピーエンド /happiiendo/ happy end
バスケットボール /basuketto booru/ basket ball
ハッスル /hassuru/flag hustle


Exception: Like the hiragana character , the katakana represents a syllabic /nn/ sound and is NOT considered as double consonants. As a result, is not used to transcribe this sound. See below.

アンナ /ann na/ = /an'na/ Anna
ランニング /rann ningu/ = /ran'ningu/ running