hiragana logo Double Vowels and Double Consonants
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1  Double Vowels  


Double vowels double the length of a regular vowel and are written by adding an extra vowel character after a hiragana (e.g., あ ⇒ ああ /aa/, /ma/ まあ /maa/, /shi/ ⇒ しい /shii/, /ku/ ⇒ くう /kuu/, etc.). The /-ee/ sound may be written with either or depending on the words (e.g., Both へえ and へい are pronounced as /hee/). Similarly, the /-oo/ sound may be written with either or depending on the words (e.g., Both こお and こう are pronounced as /koo/ like call, NOT like cool). Even though the pronunciations are the same, these represent different words and are NOT interchangeable. When pronouncing each double vowel sound, do not separate it into two regular-length vowels (e.g., はあ should be pronounced continuously as /haa/, not as /ha-a/). Caution to native English speakers: /oo/ combinations sound like awe, call, talk, etc. NOT like woo, tool, took, etc.

+え or +い
+お or +う
ああ いい うう ええ or えい おお or おう
かあ きい くう けえ or けい こお or こう
があ ぎい ぐう げえ or げい ごお or ごう
さあ しい すう せえ or せい そお or そう
ざあ じい ずう ぜえ or ぜい ぞお or ぞう
たあ ちい つう てえ or てい とお or とう
だあ ぢい づう でえ or でい どお or どう
なあ にい ぬう ねえ or ねい のお or のう
はあ ひい ふう へえ or へい ほお or ほう
ばあ びい ぶう べえ or べい ぼお or ぼう
ぱあ ぴい ぷう ぺえ or ぺい ぽお or ぽう
まあ みい むう めえ or めい もお or もう
やあ   ゆう   よお or よう
らあ りい るう れえ or れい ろお or ろう


まあ well...   incorrect correct  
いいです it's good ええ えい English
つうきん commuting
to work
れえ れい pretty
ねえ interjection
to get attention
おはよお おはよう Good morning.
おおきい large のお のう yesterday
2  Double Vowel Exercises  


A. Read the hiragana words below and confirm your pronunciation by clicking on the audio icons. Note that differences in vowel length result in completely different words.
1. さん aunt  
2. ばあさん grandmother  
3. house  
4. いい No.  
5. plant stem (Note: The short sound is devoiced here.)
6. くう air  
7. picture  
8. ええ yes  
9. nephew  
10. おお numerous  
B. Read the hiragana words below and confirm your pronunciation by clicking on the audio icons. Note that is used to represent /e/, and is used to represent /o/.
1. れい pretty
2. えい movie
3. けいたい cell phone
4. けい clock, watch
5. おはよう

good morning
6. ありがとう Thank you
7. ぎんこう bank
8. どう Thanks
3  Double Consonants (Pause in Air Flow)  


Double consonants represent a momentary pause in air flow. This is written by a small (half-height) hiragana small hiragana "tsu" as shown below. Listen to the following words.

  1 2 3  








asked, listened

We refer to this pause in air flow as double consonants due to the fact that when these are written in romaji, we use two consonant characters like /kk/, /ss/, /tt/, /pp/ and so on (きった is written in romaji as "kitta" and きいた as "kiita"). The Japanese perceive each pause as having the same length as one "syllable." This means both きった and きいた are perceived as having three syllables and the same length.


Note that a small hiragana small hiragana "tsu" and a full-size hiragana are pronounced differently as shown below.

  1 2 3  





a while ago




Exception: The romaji sequence /nn/ is NOT double consonants (it is a syllabic ), so a small small hiragana "tsu" is not used to write /nn/. See how the word こんな (3 syllables) is spelled in romaji and compare it to the word こな (2 syllables) below.

  1 2 3  



this kind of


4  Double Consonant Exercises  


A. Click on the audio icons below and compare the pronunciation. flag Double consonants /ss/ (as in /issho/) sound like a prolonged /s/ sound (/i-sss-sho/) rather than as a pause (/i [pause] sho/).
1. かこ /kako/ past
2. /kakko/
3. いしょ /isho/ will
4. しょ /issho/ flag
5. いち /iti/ or /ichi/ one
6. /itti/ or /icchi/ or /itchi/ agreement
B. Listen to each word, and match it with the correct word in hiragana.
1. きて (Come!) きって (stamp)
2. いしゃ (physician) いっしゃ (one company)
3. みつ (honey) みっつ (three things)
4. はか (grave) はっか (mint)
C. Match the word and its pronunciation below.
1. きって stamp Come!
2. ぶっか subordinate prices
3. いっしょ will together